Restorant ORIKU
Një Përvojë Unike Për Secilin Moment!
“Aty Ku Pamja Mrekullon, Shijet Magjike Bëhen Realitet!”
Rreth nesh
Mirë se vini !
Historia e restorantit Oriku fillon nga nga emri i cili perkon me qytezen e lashte romake me te njejtin emer. Qe nga viti 2009 ne rrugetimin tone ja kemi dale me sukses te behemi nje nga restorantet me te frekuentuar dhe te afirmuar te zones deri ne ditet e sotme.
“Restorant modern qe gershetohet me detin Adriatik dhe me Parkun Kombetar te Karaburunit duke shijuar cdo vakt ne nje pamje me sfond piktoresk. Ju Mirepresim !!!”

Në çdo pikë një shije e bukur!

Piceria jonë ofron një gamë të gjerë të pizave të freskëta dhe të përgatitura me kujdes.

Kuzhina Italiane
Specializuar në kuzhinën italiane autentike, Restoranti Oriku ofron një eksperiencë gastronomike të jashtëzakonshme.

Me shezllona të rehatshëm, mund të relaksoheni duke shijuar pamjen e bukur detare gjatë vizitës suaj

Stafi i kualifikuar dhe mikpritës i Barit të Oriku është gjithmonë në shërbim të vizitorëve, duke siguruar një përvojë të jashtëzakonshme të pijeve dhe shërbimeve.
Duke qenë pranë bregdetit mahnitës...
Mos harroni shijen e vërtetë
Supë Perime
Linguini Fruta Deti
Pica Oriku
Salcë, mocarel, sallam pikant, gorgonzola, grana padano, sallat rakete, pomodorini.

(300+ reviews) Google
Very good sea food with reasonable prices. The service is good. Its always packed so no quite area. I would recommend it especially for the sea food. And i want to say the salat and the fires are always recommended as a side. Very fresh salad and very tasty fires
Fitore GashiA very pleasant place in fantastic Orikum with warm atmosphere and welcoming service ,excellent coffee and friendly smiles )
Oksana DudukVery good experience, the owner came and talk about the food and give us a pleasant surprise, very good location by the sea, the food was god and rich in the variations.
Arya GuneiOne of the best dining experiences I had in Albania. 😍 The food is made with love and soul. The young men who are servers really try hard to give good service but aren’t overbearing. Our favorite dishes were the homemade seafood pasta and the octopus salad. Wine and the free dessert were lovely as well.
Stephanie HernandezThe very best trileche I ever tasted. Whatever you eat here, male sure to finish with this desert. It is a traditional Albanian sweet and this one is just perfect.
Amra CoricWe ate there twice and both times it was fantastic. We tried the homemade pasta with shrimp, seafood and truffles - everything was great and super tasty. By far the best pasta we have eaten on our entire trip in 8 months. When the power went out, they even improvised with candles. 100% recommended!
Nicole AlineAbsolutely love it!! This place is beautiful and cozy, you feel welcomed here and food is always amazing! Oriku is open all year, not only in summer and it is rare perl on a coast of Albania. Must try home made pasta with truffles. No, actually must try everything😁😁😁
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It was suprising on all fronts - the staff was really nice, they offered good selection of Italian wines, the owner was very nice and explained it all in person. And they offered the best shrimp carpaccio we have ever tasted, but also all the other food was extremely good. We highly reccomend a visit if you are in the neighbourhood (or even if you have to drive a while to get here)
Tamara Bracic Vidmar